Wednesday 22 January 2014


Funnel Stage:
Funnel stage is used to combine multiple input datasets into a single input dataset.This stage can have any number of input links and single output link.
It operates in 3 modes:
Continuous Funnel combines records as they arrive (i.e. no particular order);
Sort Funnel combines the input records in the order defined by one or more key fields;
Sequence copies all records from the first input data set to the output data set, then all the records from the second input data set, etc.
Note:Metadata for all inputs must be identical.
Sort funnel requires data must be sorted and partitioned by the same key columns as to be used by the funnel operation.
Hash Partition guarantees that all records with same key column values are located in the same partition and are processed in the same node.
1)Continuous funnel:
Go to the properties of the funnel stage page and set Funnel Type to continuous funnel.

Note:In order to use sequence funnel you need to specify which order the input links you need to process and also make sure the stage runs in sequential mode.
Usually we use sequence funnel when we create a file with header,detail and trailer records.
3)Sort Funnel:
Note: If you are running your sort funnel stage in parallel, you should be aware of the various
considerations about sorting data and partitions
Thats all about funnel stage usage in datastage.

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